Nickel wire NP 2 and NP1

17 фев 2017


Тип предложения / Предлагаю продукцию, услугу

« Intex-export» Company offers nickel wire of the mark DKRNT -0.025 -KT-NP2 and DKRNT-0.025-KT-NP1 and DKRNT-0.025-KT-NP0 to sale. Marking wire produced in accordance with GOST 2179-75 «Wire of nickel and nickel siliceous. Technical terms».

« Intex-export» Company is an International Barter Center’s subsidiary production unit.

International Barter Center began its operations at the trade and info-communicational market in spring 2009.

Aggregating the most worthful offers International Barter Center carries out the function of a programm and information guide in the economic environment. The Intex Company has succesfully sold its suppliers’ products for two years already.

Our company delivers nickel wire on a regular basis.

We offer nickel wire of the mark DKRNT -0.025 -KT-NP2 and DKRNT-0.025-KT-NP1 and DKRNT-0.025-KT-NP0 to sale. Marking wire produced in accordance with GOST 2179-75 «Wire of nickel and nickel siliceous. Technical terms».

Wire is made of nickel NP2 GOST 2179-75, chemical composition is similar to the marks of Ni 99,6 DIN 17740 (Germany) and Nickel 205, Grade A (USA)

Nickel wire chemical composition is not under > 99.81%; DKRNT-0.025-KT-NP1 is not under > 99.98%.

Product information.

Wire is made of nickel marks NP2 and NP1 and NP0. The surface is even, clean, without blister, hollows, flaws, scratches, guide marks, lamination and dints.

Wire surface is without grease marks, oxidation tints and chalking.

The wire is spooled to plastic coils which are packed in transparent plastic containers ensuring safety while storing and transporting. Containers are sealed with 4 (four) Giredmet seals (JUC-TACC OF GIREDMET) « GAC/68».

All products are certified by Test Analytical & Certification Center of Giredmet in accordance with all chemical purity and quality requirements. Attached: Manufacturer’s certificates, sampling report, Giredmet chemical composition certificate and Giredmet test certificate (in Russian and English languages)

To ensure uninterrapted working process of customers such goods as DKRNT -0.025 -KT-NP2 (99.80%) GOST 2179-75 and DKRNT-0.025-KT-NP1 (99.99%) GOST 2179-75 are always available at the warehouse.

The nickel wire purity degree calulated as the difference between 100% and substantival composition of bound impurities.

IBC «Intex-Export» Company

General director


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